
Acquiring Deepwater Wave Data for your Project

Acquiring deepwater Hindcast wave data from the Olas del Pacifico database is cost effective and easy. The licensing costs are shown in the Cost Table below.

To order wave data, first determine the data node closest to your project site from the map below, then complete the data fields in the Order Form. Your total costs will be updated as you make selections based upon the Cost Table.

Once complete, then click the Submit Order button. We will contact you within 2 working days to arrange for data transfer.

If you have Google Earth™ installed, then you can use it to browse our data locations by opening this file. To view a sample timeseries, click on a map location symbol below, or select from a location droplist. Then click the view button.

Buoy Locations boyas
Satellite Locations satelite
Hindcast Locations hindcast


 Order Form

Full name:

 Cost Table

Wave Data Period Summary Parameters Full 2D Spectral
Any one year USD $1,000 USD $2,000
Full 20 years USD $5,000 USD $7,500

Data Selection Tool

Hindcast location Data set Year Cost (USD)

License Agreement
The purchase of the right to use the Olas del Pacifico database is a licensing agreement whereby the licensee is provided the right by the licensor (Baird & Associates) to use the wave data products for any engineering purpose for a specified project. The licensing agreement also provides the licensee, upon request, data upgrades within a period of 2 years at cost of 50% if used for the same project.

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A joint project by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of Chile (SHOA) and Baird & Associates Coastal Engineers Ltd.